
We are a special school for children aged 5 to 16, with a post-16 provision for young adults aged 16 to 19.

We cater for a wide range of needs, specialising in severe, moderate, and global language and cognition learning difficulties. Students must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to be eligible for a place.

Students often display a second need; these can include speech, language or communication needs (SLCN), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Hearing or Visual Impairment (HI & VI), Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, or other physical or medical disabilities or conditions.

Our admission arrangements, including post-16 study, are determined by Blackburn with Darwen Council. The special school application process is different than for mainstream schools as applicants require an EHCP.

The Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment Team deals with requests for statutory assessments. Information on special school admissions can be found here, or phone 01254 666739 or email