We take safeguarding very seriously and all our staff understand that “safeguarding is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility”. We work closely with the Safeguarding Children’s Board and related teams and take part in multi-agency training organised by them.
Mrs Rachel Kenworthy is our Designated Safeguarding Lead, and Key Adult, who has been specially trained to liaise with the police. You can contact her via email at safeguarding@crosshill.blackburn.sch.uk. We also have a designated Lead Governor for Child Protection on the Governing Body.
All adults who regularly work on our site are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to prevent unsuitable people from working with students. All visitors are closely supervised when on site.
Our staff are trained to be vigilant for all kinds of safeguarding concerns, including bullying, online safety, emotional or other abuse or extremist behaviour. We have clear procedures in place where any potential safeguarding concerns are identified and appropriate action taken.
Where a student is deemed to be at significant risk and we need to involve other agencies, we share information with other public bodies such as Children’s Social Care. Where information is shared, we work within the agreed local information sharing protocols to make sure that information is shared in line with local and national rules.
Where safeguarding concerns are raised that relate to any adults in school, we work closely with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to make sure we follow the correct procedures, and ensure all concerns are investigated and followed up appropriately.
Our students are taught about how to keep themselves safe and about what to do if they have any concerns. We also teach them and display information about local and national charities (e.g. NSPCC) that they can contact for confidential advice.
We are participating in Operation Encompass. A unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership. They ensure that a child’s school is informed, prior to the start of the next school day, if there has been an incident of Domestic Abuse, which may have an impact on the child.