We have significant airborne allergies within school. DO NOT bring the following items into school: shellfish, mushrooms, strawberries, nuts, nut oils or nut milks.
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Equality Objectives

Our four equality objectives are:

  • Promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curriculum opportunities, including learning outside the classroom, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.
  • Monitor the achievement of students from low income and disadvantaged families.
  • Give students a range of strategies to help them to learn successfully.
  • Promote the fundamental British values of ‘Democracy’, the ‘Rule of Law’, ‘Individual Liberty’ and ‘Mutual Respect’ and ‘Tolerance’ of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Equality and Diversity Policy

"My child has settled very quickly into Crosshill. She is always very happy and keen to go to school. Crosshill is extremely welcoming whenever we visit and her teacher keeps me informed of her progress."