We have significant airborne allergies within school. DO NOT bring the following items into school: shellfish, mushrooms, strawberries, nuts, nut oils or nut milks.
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Crosshill School has been judged to be GOOD. This is a real testament to the hard work, care and commitment by all of us who are proud to work here.

Overall effectivenessGood
The quality of education Good 
Behaviour and attitudes
Personal development
Leadership and management
Sixth-form provision
  • "Pupils love coming to Crosshill Special School. They smile as they arrive in the morning and they are eager to start their lessons."
  •  "Pupils and students said that school is a happy and safe place."
  •  "Pupils appreciate how well staff help them to learn and thrive."
  • "[Pupils] work hard in their lessons."
  • "Students in the sixth form are very well prepared for adult life." 
  • "Pupils enjoy a wealth of activities outside the classroom that help them to flourish."
  • "Members of staff understand how to keep pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) safe."

Ofsted Information

"Crosshill is suitable for my child as they adapt to the learning pace to ensure it is more suited to my child's needs."