We have significant airborne allergies within school. DO NOT bring the following items into school: shellfish, mushrooms, strawberries, nuts, nut oils or nut milks.
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School Meals

Why children need to eat well

  • What children eat today shapes how they’ll eat for the rest of their lives
  • Too many children aren’t getting enough of the right foods to eat – and too little of the foods that help keep them healthy
  • When children eat better, they do better – they’re in better shape to reach their full potential
  • Being able to cook is an essential life skill: it all starts with getting children excited about food
  • Eating good food is one of life’s real pleasures: every child should know how it feels to enjoy a tasty meal with people you love

Breakfast Club

Children can’t concentrate if they haven’t eaten a good breakfast before school. That’s why we are part of the government's National School Breakfast Programme which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.  Each student has access to either a bagel or cereal when they come into school.  Breakfast will also be provided for students who are self-isolating due to COVID.  


  • Water is available for all students throughout the day for free by providing your own named water bottle which your child will fill and store in class.
  • Juices, bottled water, and hot drinks are available to buy from the school restaurant.
  • High-sugar and energy drinks are banned at Crosshill School.

No Nuts

Please DO NOT send nuts into school as a snack or as part of a packed lunch; We have a number of students who suffer from severe nut allergies and having nuts in school could make them very ill.

School Meals

School meals are a great way for children to improve their eating habits and to learn about the social side of eating with their friends. Our school meals are tasty, healthy and meet children’s nutritional needs as set forth in the National School Food Standards.

Research shows that the average school lunch is healthier than around 9 out of every 10 packed lunches. That’s because good nutrition is all about eating lots of different foods. It takes planning and effort to do this with a packed lunch, but it’s far easier with a hot meal.

Fussy eaters often thrive on school meals – parents tell us their children have tried all sorts of foods in school that they refuse at home.

We provide:

  • High-quality meat, poultry or oily fish
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Bread, other cereals and potatoes

We DON’T provide:

  • Drinks with added sugar, crisps, chocolate or sweets in school meals and vending machines
  • More than 2 portions of deep-fried, battered or breaded food a week
  • You can read more about school food standards on the School Food Plan website.

Sample Lunch Menu 

Free School Meals

A free meal, provided by the school, which is paid for out of the Education benefit fund and administered alongside housing and council tax benefit. We will be notified of your entitlement.

How to Apply

If you wish to apply for free school meals, please use the form linked below.

If you need help to fill in this form or would like information about making a claim, you can telephone for advice and information on 0845 070 1066. You can also call in at customer services at either Blackburn or Darwen Town Hall. For more information please contact Crosshill School.

Any field marked with a red asterisk (*) is a mandatory field and must be completed.

Free School Meal Application Form

    Parent Quotes:

    "My child has much more confidence since attending Crosshill. He is a happier boy. He has real friends now. Parents are really included."
    "My child has settled very quickly into Crosshill. She is always very happy and keen to go to school. Crosshill is extremely welcoming whenever we visit and her teacher keeps me informed of her progress."