We are committed to providing outstanding opportunities for all our students to enable them to become the best that they can be.
Positive emotional wellbeing and mental health is key to achieving this. Research has shown that there are key links between emotional wellbeing and progress at school, with half of all mental health conditions beginning before the age of 14.
Figures show that around one in ten children have a diagnosable mental health condition, which can have a devastating impact on their physical health, their relationships and their future prospects.
Therefore, we take a whole school approach to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all students, staff and parents.
We value the positive relationships we have built between staff, students, parents and carers. Our friendly school environment enables students to feel valued and trusted as individuals, as well as encouraging mutual respect for each other. This fosters an open forum allowing students, staff and parents to speak about emotional wellbeing and health.
In July 2019 we achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools, and we continue to promote and develop the mental health and resilience of our staff, children, parents and carers.