We have significant airborne allergies within school. DO NOT bring the following items into school: shellfish, mushrooms, strawberries, nuts, nut oils or nut milks.
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Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is creative, flexible, and tailored to meet the individual learning needs of each student.

Based on the National Curriculum, our curriculum is broad, and balanced, with opportunities for students to develop functional skills, independence skills and skills for working life.

In addition to the academic curriculum, individualised timetables provide opportunities for therapy lead interventions which meet the needs of the whole child. Some of these opportunities are lead by therapy based medical professionals and some are led by our specialist teachers and support staff.

Our curriculum is enriched by educational trips and visits, local community links and opportunities within the timetable to engage with new experiences e.g. pony riding, music workshops, gardening and educational visits.

Our Key Stage 3 learners have access to three curriculum offers:

  • Formal
  • Semi-Formal
  • Informal

For more information on our curriculum please phone 01254 667713 or email info@crosshill.blackburn.sch.uk