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Supporting Children

Emotional health and wellbeing is a very varied and complex area and there are no quick fix solutions. Maintaining every day, regular routines wherever possible, such as, attending school and lessons whilst working towards managing mental health is key.

School offers a range of services to help students develop positive mental health and wellbeing and support for those experiencing mental health issues. These are:

  • All staff support positive emotional health and wellbeing across school.
  • Staff are able to spot changes in behaviour that might indicate a problem and offer support and guidance. Many things can cause a change in mental health including traumatic events (e.g. loss or separation, life changes, abuse, domestic violence or bullying).
  • Staff who offer a ‘go to’ service for children experiencing any problems or issues.
  • Curriculum includes mental health topics in order to raise awareness and understanding and provide strategies for developing positive emotional health and wellbeing and managing mental health.
  • Identified children access interventions related to mental health and wellbeing such as managing emotions, mentoring, Lego therapy and self-confidence.
  • Action research project running in school from September around the benefits of short, easy mindfulness sessions for students with EHCPs.
  • Students can work towards gaining 5 badges to show they have shown commitment to the 5 ways to wellbeing
  • Curriculum has the flexibility to focus on developing children’s resilience, confidence and ability to learn.
  • Constructive links with outside support and specialist agencies to provide interventions for those with mental health problems.

We place our students at the centre of any decisions that are made in order for them to live the lives that they want to lead.

We give a voice to all our students by linking people who are important to them and building a picture, formed from different perspectives, of what is key in the life of our students to make them healthy, safe, happy and able to contribute and achieve. This also helps our students and their families plan for transition and future life beyond school.